If Gimpo is incorporated into Seoul... What is the location of K League 2 Gimpo FC?
Current form of civic club.
Will it become the ‘third Seoul club’ following FC Seoul and Seoul E-Land?
While the plan to incorporate Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do into Seoul is being discussed as a key issue in the political world, the possibility that this issue will also affect the professional soccer K-League has been raised. 카지노사이트
This is because Gimpo FC, based in Gimpo City, currently exists in K-League 2, the second division of professional soccer.
Gimpo FC is a civic club founded in 2013 that will turn professional starting in 2022 and is playing in K-League 2.
Coach Go Jeong-woon, who was loved by fans with the nickname 'Red Toma' during his active career, is leading the team.
Gimpo Mayor Kim Byeong-soo also serves as the chairman of the board of directors of Gimpo FC, a foundation that is the owner of the club.
If Gimpo City's incorporation into Seoul, which is currently being discussed in the political world, becomes a reality, several changes may occur in the Gimpo club.
First, because the current Gimpo club is a civic club, if 'Gimpo City' is incorporated into Seoul, the entity that will provide financial support may virtually disappear.